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Kabuki Theater Nearing Completion Hit by the Disaster
Great Tokyo Earthquake Picture Postcard (Kyōbashi): Kabuki Theater Nearing Completion Hit by the Disaster
Terrible Scene of the Honjo Beer Company and its Surroundings
Terrible Scene of the Honjo Beer Company and its Surroundings
Tokyo Kaikan and Imperial Theater in Flames
(Great Tokyo Earthquake Damage Scene) Tokyo Kaikan and Imperial Theater in Flames
Nikolai Cathedral as seen from Kanda Ogawamachi
Taishō 12.9.1 Great Tokyo Earthquake Scenes: Nikolai Cathedral as seen from Kanda Ogawamachi
View of the Half Demolished Nikolai Cathedral
View of the Half Demolished Nikolai Cathedral from above the Ochanomizu Bridge (Published in "Josei Asahi")
View of Nikolai Cathedral from Ogawamachi
Great Tokyo Earthquake Picture Postcard: View of Nikolai Cathedral from Ogawamachi
The Surroundings of Sapporo Beer
(Taishō 12, 1 September) Terrible Scene of the Imperial Capital and Yokohama's Unprecedented Severe Earthquake; The Great Disaster of the Imperial Capital, The Surroundings of Sapporo Beer
Tsujiki Hongan-ji that Went Up in Flames
Great Tokyo Earthquake Picture Postcard (Kyōbashi): Tsujiki Hongan-ji that Went Up in Flames
Tsujiki Hongan-ji that Went Up in Flames
Great Tokyo Earthquake Picture Postcard (Kyōbashi): Tsujiki Hongan-ji that Went Up in Flames